Generally, I stay home for Spring Break, because I'm an adult and I save my monies for better vacation times, like Fall and Winter, but this year the Travel Goods Show lands smack dab in the middle of Spring Break in Oregon, meaning I had to do some fancy planning to do it on a budget. Now, going to and staying in Vegas was fine, because of fare sales and our timeshare, but I guess everyone wants to spend their trip in Portland, because coming back was 3-4 times as much as going, so to save money, we are returning to Seattle and taking the train home...and spending the same as flying out.
If you're looking to get out of town and do something for Spring Break, you've got plenty of options. May cheap ones even. Skyscanner has pulled together their list of popular destinations and their average cost. They pulled it all into a fun infographic to help you decide your best route based on your budget.
Did you have your sights set on any of these popular destinations? Where will you be headed in the next month or so?
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