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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shereen Travels Cheap Wins an Award!

I know, lots of posts happening this week, but I couldn't wait to share with you the latest and greatest excitement at Shereen Travels Cheap. We won and award for best cover design in non-fiction. It's extra awesome, since three people who know very little about book publishing used their smarts to come up with this great cover that I'm super proud of. [Thanks to both Nancy Jennings and Mike Thompson for doing 90% of the work for it.] 

Want to read more about my award and see the other winners? Check out The Book Designer site.


  1. Thanks for joining in our weekly book blog hop this week, hope to see you next week aswell xx Now following you via gfc hoping you can follow us back at http://www.beckvalleybooks.blogspot.com thanks in advance xx

    ps loving the book design !!

  2. Hopping from book blog hop. Following on GFC


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