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Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Harry Potter Studios in London

It's no secret that I'm a big fan of Harry Potter. I'm not the only one out there that loves the boy wizard and the world he lives in. In 2011 Harry Potter:  The Exhibition stopped in Seattle, so I made a point to take a weekend getaway surrounding it. While I was in London, there was going to be no way I could miss a trip to Leavesden Studios, so Eric and I splurged on tickets to the place where the movies were filmed. In some ways it was a good deal, because it was hours of fun for a Potterphile. (Purchase your tickets online for package deals. You also won't run the risk of tickets being sold out.) Props, sets and videos crowded two buildings and a courtyard and I was in Harry Potter heaven. Here are some photos from our visit.

Leavesden Studios

Leavesden Studios

Leavesden Studios

Leavesden Studios

Leavesden Studios

Leavesden Studios

Leavesden Studios

Leavesden Studios

Leavesden Studios

Leavesden Studios

We also went on a Harry Potter walk, which I will write about in a different post. it took us on other filming locations around London.

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